
The Book (Part the Second)

My only consolation about Luca Turin's dismissive review of Issey Miyake's L'Eau d'Issey, is that the review is incredibly long, inches longer than any of the other reviews. So whether or not he ultimately likes L'Eau, it at least inspires verbosity! The most devastating moments are when Turin compares my favorite dusty floral to a Glade Plug-In, then to Windex, and then, horror of horrors, to cK One. In any case, he truly seems to struggle with the fact that "nearly everyone [he] knew owned a bottle."

I realize that accusing a perfumisto of snobbery may be akin to accusing a Pro-Lifer of being antifeminist - not exactly part of the job description, but far from a surprise, and maybe it really is part of the job description.

L'Eau d'Issey, I love you, and I think you smell great, even though I'm having a torrid affair with a book that hates you. It's nothing personal, I promise...

Errata: It turns out Tania Sanchez wrote this review, not Luca Turin.


oedipa said...

Yes! This was my reaction too.

But LT and TS both have some obvious biases and grudges. LT's are particularly egregious, but that makes him more fun to read if you can get past the sting.

oedipa said...

I masochistically re-read the bad Magical Moon review over and over, in the end taking absurd comfort from Tania's final judgment that it is "more for perverse boys than conventional girls."

I'd rather be a perverse boy than a conventional girl any day of the week.

captain birthday said...

I saw that too, and I thought, "Well, at least she threw Amy a bone!"